Calibrating Services

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing

Flow Meter Calibration

Calibration Lab

On-Site Calibrating Services

Hydrostatic Pressure Testing:

Test Pressures up to 10,000PSI

We will provide the equipment necessary to bring the pipeline to required test pressure (i.e. high pressure hoses, test manifold, high pressure pump, etc.).

We will monitor the pipeline pressure, temperature, fluid added or subtracted, ambient temperature, and wind speed. This is achieved by the use of certified test equipment( dead weight testers, chart pressure and temperature recorders, beakers and wind speed gauges).

Century Calibrating Company is fully certified by CSFM ( California State Fire Marshall).

The Customer is provided with certified hydrostatic test report.

We Do All The Heavy Lifting

Flow Meter Calibration:

Century Calibrating utilizes both Humbolt by-directional piston  provers as well as Syncrotrak uni-directional small volume provers to insure both precision and reliability.

This also gives us the ability to calibrate both low gravity (heavy crude) and clean product such as gasoline’s, diesel, propane etc.

We currently have the largest mobil meter prover on the west coast. Our 24” Humbolt bi-directional prover is capable of rates up to 5,5000 bph  and a pressure of 500 psi.

We utilize the latest software and proving programs and are fully equipped to calibrate ALL petroleum based flow meters.

At the conclusion of calibration the customer is provided with a meter factor sheet that provides all proving data and new meter factor.

Calibration Lab:

Century Calibrating is an industry leader in sales and service of industrial measurement devices.

About Century Calibrating

2439 Cerritos Ave, Signal Hill, CA 90755


(562) 426-7051

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